Despite over two years in office, a 51.3% to 46.8% win, and no evidence of widespread voter fraud, the Texas GOP is claiming Bidens win null. Party platforms are mission statements rather than legal doctrines and, in Texas, they have long reflected the opinions of the most activist wings of the parties. Erich Schlegel / AP Images for Human Rights Campaign file, newly enacted Florida education legislation, nearly every leading U.S. medical association has condemned. At a convention where several of its more prominent lawmakers were harassed and booed, the Texas Republican Party has passed the latest version of its official platform and it makes for shocking reading. The misery, the crime, the drug abuse, the high gas prices are all by design, so that the Democratic Party can permanently transform society. Are you tired of Texas Republicans pushing big lies and trying to steal your vote? The Texas Republican Party isnt just ignoring science, theyre pushing against it. A Federal Judge in Amarillo Could Effectively Ban the Abortion Pill. The Texas GOP got way out of hand with this years stance on voting rights. Just before Biden's inauguration in 2021, armed groups held a rally in front of the Texas State . The Texas Republican Party officially rejected the results of the 2020 presidential election over the weekend, passing a resolution in its platform that falsely blames election fraud in. The newly approved Texas GOP party platform broadly places the culture wars at its core, as the party adopted a slew of new platforms that shift the party further to the right on. To save you the queasiness that comes from reading all. Kennedy brings her experience of writing about social justice issues to the Texas Signal where she serves as our Political Reporter. The same blueprint applies in 2022, and to an even greater degree. Repealing the VRA would be radicalits one of the most beneficial pieces of legislation in the history of the country, having made imperfect democracies of Southern states for the first time in their history. 2022 Parties Platforms. The Texas Republican Party spent Juneteenth weekend, ironically, finalizing one of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ageist platforms weve seen in recent years. Politics Texas Republican Party includes anti-LGBT ideology in its new platform "A red wave is going to sweep across Texas and this nation and begin a new era . David Faris. In a recent poll, Texans said the top priority of the Texas Legislature should be lowering the cost of health care. Can College Sports Get More Absurd Than SMU Joining the Pac-12? Capo said the platform plank banning the teaching of sexual matters appears to violate Title IX, which protects against sex-based discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Somewhere between four thousand and five thousand showed up, which is not unimpressive. Do you value our journalism? Eight mass shootings in 13 years has only led them to call for more guns blazing in every nook and cranny that Texas has to offer. The State Board of Education recently wrapped up its review of health curriculum standards, which include requirements to teach about fertilization in fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Last week, the president signed an executive order that will direct federal health and education agencies to expand access to gender-affirming care and advance LGBTQ-inclusive learning environments at American schools. A difference of degrees is still a difference, however, and those degrees can add up over the years. In 2022, the Texas GOP still says President Joe Biden didnt legitimately win the 2020 election, and the new platform supports the Texas Attorney Generals continued investigation of voter fraud claims. (To take one particularly dark example, Pennsylvanias GOP nominee for governor, Doug Mastriano, attended the 6 January riot.). Patrick is from Baltimore, of course, and his childhood home probably saw more delivery vans than pickup trucks. Think thats being dramatic? Illustrated | iStock. Sign Up for Updates. That platform threatened to embarrass telecom giant AT&T, which had spent a good number of dollars to sponsor the convention. IE 11 is not supported. "The federal government has impaired our right . All school districts, individual schools, or charter schools are prohibited from contracting with or making any payment to any third party for material concerning any of the above topics. LABEL HOMOSEXUALITY AN ABNORMAL LIFE CHOICE, Rejecting the LGBTQ+ community is nothing new for the Republican Party, but Texas recent streak of translating harmful rhetoric into law brings cause for worry. And Texas Republicans wont stop there. Official Twitter account for the Republican Party of Texas. Two themes are clear this year: conspiracy and regression. HOUSTON Meeting at their first in-person convention since 2018, Texas Republicans on Saturday acted on a raft of resolutions and proposed platform changes to move their party even further to the right. Welcome to the Texas Legislative Round-up! Updated: 10:26 PM CDT June 20, 2022. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. The Republican Party of Texas passed its latest platform on Saturday, including two sections of anti-LGBT beliefs. Otherwise, party elders clearly didnt care very much. The group included self-identified Proud Boys and Alex Stein, a social media activist from North Texas. Despite losing 19 children and two teachers in the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas just weeks ago, the Texas GOP wants to expand gun access. Privacy Policy. A February survey from the University of Texas at Austin found that 22 percent of Republican respondents . In searching for a mythic past that never was, the delegates at the convention promise to take us to places weve never been. Education is about reading, writing, math, science, history and fine arts. Copyright 2020 - The Republican Party of Texas - All Rights Reserved. What this weekend's festivities in Texas make clear is that there is an active and ongoing effort to purge the Republican Party of anyone and everyone who a) criticizes Donald Trump or his. They use outdated language and scientifically disproven ideas to alienate and monstrify transgender Texans. I believe that in the sovereignty of God, you and I were purposely born into this moment, into this confusing time that we face, Campbell said. Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick poses for photos with supporters in front of his pickup truck during the first day of the Republican Party of Texas convention in 2022. Finally, the platform committee presents a draft document to the entire State Convention, and delegates are given the opportunity to vote yes or no on each individual plank. 46 years of precedence protected our autonomy. Vote. By Eric Lutz. It will also curb federal funding for the debunked practice of conversion therapy, whichnearly every leading U.S. medical association has condemned, and ask the Federal Trade Commission to consider whether the practice constitutes an unfair or deceptive act. . (Photo: Erich Schlegel/Getty Images) Members of the Platform Committee are chosen at their Senate or County District Convention. The state also has seen a push from far-right lawmakers and conservative parents to remove obscene content from school libraries and classrooms. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Gov. The Texas Republican Party finished its 2022 platform priorities over the weekend at the Republican National Convention and gave a glimpse into some of the most powerful minds in power. Texans protest Republican Gov. A political party platform (US English), party program, or party manifesto (preferential term in British & often Commonwealth English) is a formal set of principal goals which are supported by a political party or individual candidate, in order to appeal to the general public, for the ultimate purpose of garnering the general public's support and votes about complicated topics or issues. The new platform follows a series of headline-generating anti-LGBTQ policies proposed by Texas lawmakers. But this year, national media pored over the partys interminably long platform, highlighting language that declared the 2020 presidential election results illegitimate, endorsed a referendum that would allow Texas voters to declare their secession from the United States, and called for the states schoolchildren to be drilled on the humanity of the preborn child. The platform also declared homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, and called for Texas to strengthen the electric grid, not with regulations that keep the lights on in other states hit by extreme weather that our own leaders are averse to, but rather to defend against mythical electromagnetic pulse weapons.. By this measure, the 2022 convention of the Republican Party of Texas in Houston was a stunning success. At a time when newsroom resources and revenue across the country are declining, The Texas Tribune remains committed to sustaining our mission: creating a more engaged and informed Texas with every story we cover, every event we convene and every newsletter we send. Some 5,100 delegates and alternates voted on a party platform that also calls for ending the federal income tax, requiring education about fetal gestation and limiting the Legislatures right to regulate guns. Video posted online showed far-right activists physically accosting U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, calling the conservative Republican eye-patch McCain over his criticism of Russia. While many of the platforms demands and recommendations are targeted at specific state-level regulations and policies, one section sticks out for its scope: a wishlist of edits the party would like to see made to the US Constitution itself. What this weekend's festivities in Texas make clear is that there is an active and ongoing effort to purge the Republican Party of anyone and everyone who a) criticizes Donald Trump or his. Declaring all businesses and jobs as essential and a fundamental right, a response to COVID-19 mandates by Texas cities that required customers to wear masks and limited business hours. Elected officials are not bound to adhere to their parties platforms. "We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.". Texas Lt. Gov. But the recent proposals seem to reflect Texas Republicans' views on the 2020 election. This year, even the absolute worst case scenario has the GOP winning statewide, increasing its number of U.S. House seats, boosting its Texas Senate majority by a seat, and maintaining the 83 seats it held in the 2021 Texas House.. His success has inspired the party to shift farther right. Texas secession. In addition to a number of controversial policy planks, it also called on the state legislature to authorize a referendum on secession from the United States. Texas Democratic Party 2022-2024 Platform ADOPTED BY STATE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AUGUST 6, 2022 NOTE: GRAMMATICAL AND TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS DOCUMENT IN A TIMELY MANNER. Dan Patrick, who effectively controls the state Senate, addressed the convention, but House Speaker Dade Phelan only spoke at a luncheon, not to the main body of delegates. Texas' rightward push was clear in ways beyond the party platform. So are we, thats why were fighting back against the right-wing lie machine. It shouldnt need to be said, but the Confederacy was racist and those who fought for the Confederacy were insurrectionist traitors (much like the current GOP). 2022 Republican Primary Ballot Propositions; Local Election Resources; Candidate Resource Committee. The final platform is the culmination of work by grassroots delegates who are the lifeblood of the Texas Republican Party. With the Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade, Texas trigger law outlawing abortion from conception, will go into effect. But he duly participates.Other extreme planks werent all that different from those voted on in prior conventions. Considering hate crime rates are higher than they have been in over a decade, we think otherwise. Not for the first time in its history, some in Texas want to secede from the United States and form an independent nation.. Texas Republicans, at a state party convention this weekend, called for a referendum to determine whether the state "should reassert its status as an independent nation". For many right-wingers, this is the highlight of their year. We oppose any identification of citizens by race, origin, creed, sexuality, or lifestyle choices, and oppose use of any such identification for purposes of creating voting districts. Daniel Vaughn is the countrys first barbecue editor, and he has eaten more barbecue than you have. (1) "The laws of nature and nature's God," and we support the strict adherence to the original One reason might be that years ago the convention was a place where factions of the party would come together and vigorously contest ideas. The Republican Party of Texas wrapped up its biennial convention on Saturday, after thousands of delegates voted on the party's legislative priorities, as well as its latest platform . . The Texas Republicans are trying to rewrite history with a party platform that calls for the restoration of any confederate monuments that have been removed anywhere in Texas. Republican elected officials are not bound to adhere to the platform, and party activists at times have expressed frustration that some parts of their platform and legislative priorities have not become law, despite complete Republican control of the state Legislature. President Biden has ceded control of our borders to paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels, Arrington told delegates. Fleeing for Your Life? Despite losing 19 children and two teachers in the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas just weeks ago, the Texas GOP wants to expand gun access. And Texas Republicans wont stop there. f. Support a constitutional amendment making English the official language of the United States, and one of no more than two official languages of all US territories and other possessions. Austin, TX, Release: July 6, 2022 For Immediate Release. Treating homosexuality as an abnormal lifestyle choice, language that was not included in the 2018 or 2020 party platforms. Every week, well give you the honest take on the news that impacts you without pretending it doesnt. While . It shouldn't need to be said, but the Confederacy was racist and those who fought for the Confederacy were insurrectionist traitors (much like the current GOP). Before delegates voted on the platform, party activists delivered fiery speeches attacking Democrats. Ricardo Martinez, the CEO of Equality Texas, a statewide LGBTQ advocacy group, called the platform "extreme, but not necessarily new. Think thats being dramatic? Enter your email address * Resources. There simply arent limits now on what the base might ask for.. Texas Lt. Gov. Abolishing the Federal Reserve, the nations central bank, and guaranteeing the right to use alternatives to cash, including cryptocurrencies. Christopher Hooks writes mostly about Texas politics and occasionally about more serious subjects. Those delegates said Saturday they prefer such conversations happen at home. Observers cite the partys convention as evidence that state Republicans have gone full MAGA. But if anything, MAGA folks are following Texas. And even the partys pragmatic center right conservatives lack the ability to argue, as they did successfully in 2020, that an ultra conservative platform could cost the GOP its majority status in the Lone Star State. The whole platform is worth reading, but here are five of its most striking statements of intent. After Section 5 of the act was overturned in 2013, restrictive voting laws flooded the U.S. A total repeal would be disastrous, dumpster-fire for our democracy. 10. Donald Trumps Big Lie of a stolen election in 2020 is still widely believed among the conservative grassroots. 90 - Texas Rep. Salman Bhojani and Nicole Golden of Texas Gun Sense. Even right-wing elected officials seem to view the platform as a nuisance. Encourage the building and operation of nuclear power plants. Under Texas law, parents currently must provide written consent for their children to attend sex education classes, which are required to emphasize abstinence. Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. Within a year of Joe Bidens election to the presidency, Texas passed some of the most restrictive election integrity legislation in the US a package of measures empowering partisan poll watchers while making it harder to vote and much harder to cast a mail-in ballot. Mon 20 Jun 2022 11.28 EDT Last modified on Mon 20 Jun 2022 17.35 EDT The Republican party in Texas has officially adopted a series of extreme-right positions that includes claims Joe. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Many of the Christian-right niche issues the party platform carves out space for, such as ending no-fault divorce, are dead letters in Trump world. (1) "The laws of nature and nature's God," and we support the strict adherence to the original The newly approved Texas GOP party platform broadly places the culture wars at its core, as the party adopted a slew of new platforms that shift the party further to the right on Saturday. Greg Abbotts call to investigate families of transgender children. c. Support repeal of the 16th Amendment (Federal Income Tax). His success has inspired the party to shift farther right. Five shocking proposals from the Texas GOP's radical new platform Republicans in the US's second-largest state have formulated a political programme that's extreme even by their party's. After, Section 5 of the act was overturned in 2013. Why it matters: The revised platform is likely to preview some of the GOP's . Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call via Getty Images. As a result, the 2022 GOP feels free to veer to the right to its hearts content, confident that it wont come back to haunt the party in November, except perhaps in a half dozen races, Jones said. H-E-Bs True Texas BBQ Restaurant Is Slipping, West Texans Are Learning What It Means to Live in Bear Country. 92 - The State Of Police Reform, Part 1 - John Fullinwider of Mothers Against Police Brutality, Ep. In a section titled "Homosexuality and gender issues," the party suggested that LGBTQ people should not be legally protected from discrimination and that being gay or trans is a choice. A more aggressive party platform sends a clear message to politicians about where the base is going, Rottinghaus said. ), so of course the Republican Party of Texas is overwhelmingly against it. Thats saying a lot, because many of the planks are repeats from their 2016 and 2018 platforms. But a decade or so ago the convention regularly boasted ten thousand or more attendees. As the convention opened Thursday, party chairman Matt Rinaldi predicted the GOP would make gains in the fall. 2022-RPT-Platform. Incumbent Matt Robinson is not running for reelection. Theres An App for That. The Texas GOP is the most successful state party in the country, judging by length of rule and its ability to pass right-wing legislation, and Abbott is its standard-bearer. The platform committee reviews every passed plank, hears public testimony, and further amends the platform. During the last regular legislative session, Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands, filed a bill that defined personhood at fertilization and would provide due process to a fetus. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. 169. It's called the Lone Star state for a reason. Critics say that booklet, written by the state, includes scientifically unsupported claims and shames women seeking abortion care. Back then, speakers would describe it as the largest gathering of its kind in a free country, or some such boast., Texas lawmaker proposes age-appropriate book bill, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo wins re-election race. On Saturday, thousands of Texas Republicans approved a new platform at the 2022 party convention in Houston, and it immediately caused a furor. But the difference from prior conventions was one of degrees. If not for the rise of Trump , some of the discriminatory language used by the Republican Party may have receded. Bylaws; . Were meant to be alive, at this time, right now, and here in this state.. Put lives at risk by defending the NRA. They also voted on a platform that declares homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice and calls for Texas schoolchildren to learn about the humanity of the preborn child..