The setting (default: true) controls whether tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent) are automatically paused. Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio has either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. The UISystem API object has been split into two APIs Dialog and UI, and some of its methods have also changed. Returns whether a fade is in-progress on the currently playing track. As with all special tags, media passage tags are case sensitive, so their spelling and capitalization must be exactly as shown. Object Name: [How to find variables and manipulate them for people who don't know how to] Type the object name '' into the console and press enter. For example: That probably won't be very pleasing to the eye, however, so you will likely need several styles to make something that looks half-decent. Stops playback of the track and forces it to drop any existing data. As a consequence, you cannot use them directly within a passage to modify elements within said passage, since the elements they are targeting are still rendering, thus not yet on the page. Returns whether any of the given members were found within the array. This process is the same regardless of where the loaded state is coming from: it could be a normal save, the autosave, or the playthrough session. Request that the browser exit fullscreen mode. Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a group via its <> children. SimpleAudio API, AudioTrack API, and AudioRunner API. Hides the UI bar. classes), Updating to any version 2.30.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.29.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.28.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.20.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.15.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.10.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.8.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.5.0 from a lesser version, Updating to any version 2.0.0 from a lesser version, embedded image passage (Twine1 & Tweego only), Alias for jQuery, by default. If no name is given, resets all settings. See Config.macros.maxLoopIterations for more information. Attempting to do so will, usually, result in something that's non-functional. See the .includes() method for its replacement. Returns whether there are any filled slots. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. See the :passageinit event for its replacement. Returns whether the track's sources are currently unloaded. Code like <> seems to have no effect because the startup state is replaced by the of the incoming state, but they are still executed by the engine. Removes all of the members from the array that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function and returns a new array containing the removed members. An options object should have some of the following properties: Changes the disabled state of the target WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element(s). This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Creates a single-use passage link that deactivates itself and all other <> links within the originating passage when activated. A side effect simply means that the evaluation of the expression modifies some state. The debug bar (bottom right corner of the page) allows you to: watch the values of story and temporary variables, toggle the debug views, and jump to any moment/turn within the history. Making custom non-generic object types fully compatible requires that two methods be added to their prototype, .clone() and .toJSON(), to support cloningi.e., deep copyinginstances of the type. Mobile browsers can be fickle, so saving to disk may not work as expected in all browsers. Returns a formatted string, after replacing each format item in the given format string with the text equivalent of the corresponding argument's value. Gets or sets the playlist's randomly shuffled playback state (default: false). A function, which causes the autosave to be updated for each passage where its return value is truthy. Return the named macro definition, or null on failure. Harlowe's implementation of the (goto:) macro terminates the rendering passage. To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the < > macro in Twine2as shown above. This guide will detail how these features work. There are several configuration settings for saves that it would be wise for you to familiarize yourself with. The hierarchy of the document body, including associated HTML IDs and class names is as follows. Note: Like in Harlowe, some SugarCube macros accept expressions and others accept discreet arguments. Does not affect script or stylesheet tagged passages, for Twine1/Twee, or the Story JavaScript or Story Stylesheet sections, for Twine2. Your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) is normally the best place to call importStyles(). Normally, when both link and text arguments are accepted, the order is text then link. See the State API docs for more information. Arrays have many built-in methods and other features, and SugarCube adds many more. Returns a reference to the current jQuery object for chaining. Stops playback of all currently registered tracks and force them to drop any existing data. Note: Generates no output. Renders and displays the active (present) moment's associated passage without adding a new moment to the history. See the Config.passages.nobr setting for a way to apply the same processing to all passages at once. Essentially, a combination of < > and <>. Arithmetic: The expression yields a number valuee.g.. For example, if a value "is" strictly the . If its return value is truthy, the override succeeds and that value is used as the new destination of the navigation. When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. String: The expression yields a string valuee.g.. Note: To update the value associated with a key, simply set it again. Whenever your story is first started or, for any reason, restartede.g., the browser window/tab was refreshed/reloadedit undergoes its startup sequence. Sets story $variables and temporary _variables based on the given expression. See the State.prng.init() method for its replacement. Note: Making a new story To make a new story, press the button labelled + Story. As new moments are added, older moments that exceed the maximum number are expired in order of age, oldest first. Twine 2.3: SugarCube 2.28: Arrays 2,500 views May 16, 2019 23 Dislike Share Save Dan Cox 3.68K subscribers This video reviews arrays in SugarCube 2.28 as part of Twine 2.3.. You cannot obtain data about the closing dialog from the dialog itselfe.g., title or classeswhen using the :dialogclosed event, as the dialog has already closed and been reset by the time the event is fired. Does not modify the original. If your content contains any SugarCube markup, you'll need to use the method instead. Universal Inventory System (UInv) for Twine 2 / SugarCube 2 - GitHub - HiEv/UInv: Universal Inventory System (UInv) for Twine 2 / SugarCube 2. . See Guide: Media Passages for more information. The callback is passed one parameter, the original destination passage title. While not specifically about SugarCube, the About Expressions section of the Twine1 reference documentation may also be helpful. Returns whether the engine is rendering the incoming passage. Deprecated: Equivalent to wrapping the entire passage in a <> macro. See the Save.onLoad.add() method for its replacement. Deprecated: See Passage API for more information. The Share dialog only displays linksspecifically, anything that creates an anchor element (). This macro is functionally identical to <>, save that it also encodes HTML special characters in the output. The story history contains moments (states) created during play. Upon a successful match, the matching case will have its contents executed. Creates a new widget macro (henceforth, widget) with the given name. Note: See the forget() function for its replacement. Warning: IDs and classes automatically generated from passage names and tags are normalized to kebab case with all lowercase letterswhich entails: removing characters that are not alphanumerics, underscores, hyphens, en-/em-dashes, or whitespace, then replacing any remaining non-alphanumeric characters with hyphens, one per group, and finally converting the result to lowercase. Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). Saving the story records the story's state up until the last moment that was created. Note: To affect multiple tracks and/or groups at once, see the method. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Twine2: Not special. Note: Appends one or more members to the end of the base array and returns its new length. Create a new passage, which will only be used as a media passageone per media source. Note: Note: Several UI API methods have moved to the new Dialog API. Removes the audio group with the given ID. Those that want an expression are fairly straightforward, as you simply supply an expression. Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case. This means that some code points may span multiple code unitse.g., the character is one code point, but two code units. Note: At the very least you will need to specify a .passage-out style that defines the transition's end state. Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the extended past history (expired + past). See Also: Only the primitives, generic objects, some JavaScript natives (specifically: Array, Date, Map, RegExp, and Set), and DOM node objects are supported by default. This macro should be invoked once following any invocations of <> and <>, if any <> definitions used the copy keyword, for which you want the loading screen displayed. Returns whether the dialog is currently open. Values may be of most primitive types and some object types, see Supported Types for more information. SugarCube includes polyfills for virtually all JavaScript (ECMAScript) 5 & 6 native object methodsvia the es5-shim and es6-shim polyfill libraries (shims only, no shams)so they may be safely used even if your project will be played in ancient browsers that do not natively support them. Use of this macro is only necessary when you need to localize a variable's value for use with an asynchronous macroi.e., a macro whose contents are executed at some later time, rather than when it's invoked; e.g., interactive macros, <>, <>. Divides the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the remainder to the left-hand side. Harlowe has stricter typing than SugarCube, requiring authors to call macros like (str:) or (num:) on variables to change their type. Javascript Array Projects (9,651) Javascript Map Projects (9,459) Javascript Python Projects (8,927) . If no autosave exists, then the starting passage is rendered. Returns whether any of the target WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element(s) are disabled. When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. .on() in the jQuery API docs for more information. Does not modify the original. Gets or sets the track's current time in seconds. Before beginning, make sure that your Twine game is set up for the SugarCube format. Note: Used within <> macros. Registers the passage as an initialization passage. Additionally, see the tagged stylesheet warning. See the Save API docs for more information. you'll need to call the after having done so. Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the autosave to be loaded, the string "prompt", which prompts the player via a dialog to load the autosave, or a function, which causes the autosave to be loaded if its return value is truthy. Deprecated: The API automatically calls this method at startup, so you should never need to call this method manually. Registers the passage as a video passage. Pauses playback of the playlist and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces its tracks to drop any existing data and begin loading. Twine1/Twee: Required. Examples of good uses: achievement tracking, new game+ data, playthrough statistics, etc. Creates a checkbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio tracks have either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions. Activates the moment at the given index within the full state history and show it. You will, very likely, never need to use State.current directly within your code. Tip: Periods of ellipsis () signify data that is generated at compile time. Returns a new array filled with all Passage objects that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function or an empty array, if no objects pass. The document element. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. The def and ndef operators have very low precedence, so it is strongly recommended that if you mix them with other operators, that you wrap them in parenthesese.g., (def $style) and ($style is "girly"). Deprecated: Renders the selected passage into the target element, replacing any existing content, and returns the element. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. You must, generally, use them with an interactive macroe.g., < > macrothe <> macro, or within the PassageDone special passage. The HTML & CSS have undergone significant changes. SugarCube provides a variety of functions and methods that may be used instead, and standard JavaScript functions and methods may also be used. Interactive macros are both asynchronous and require interaction from the player. Returns the current pull counti.e., how many requests have been madefrom the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, NaN. Help with arrays in sugarcube 2. The Config.debug setting for more information. Added to the active passage's container element, Added to the active passage's container element and. This is only really useful within pure JavaScript code, as within TwineScript you may simply access temporary variables natively. To control aspects of your project based on the values contained within variables, see the <> and <> macros. Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling Engine.restart(), if they accept. The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions). Requirements. Setting API method calls must be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or settings will not function correctly. The pill container contains pills for each day of the week. For example, you may use the following JavaScript code to record the last non-menu passage into the $return story variable: (Twine2: the Story JavaScript, Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage). Repeatedly executes its contents. To resolve instances where you do, however, you'll want to use either a temporary variable or a backquote expression. classes) guide for more detailed information. The argument string after converting all TwineScript syntax elements into their native JavaScript counterparts. Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .one() method applied to each of the audio elements. SugarCube also allows the use of JavaScript generic objects, which may be better in some situations than a map: Another important difference in the way Harlowe handles its non-primitive data types like arrays, datamaps, and datasets is that they are passed by value rather than passed by reference. Determines whether saving to disk is enabled on mobile devicesi.e., smartphones, tablets, etc. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count. Twine 2 Editor Twine 2 Editor Story Listing Passages View Passages Story Formats Getting . State.current is not a synonym for Returns whether playback of the track has been stopped. You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the Start passage to achieve the same result. Thus, any groups or playlists containing the deleted track should be rebuilt. Opens the built-in alert dialog, displaying the given message to the player. Deletes the audio track with the given track ID. Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the selected tracks' data is loaded again. Note: Does not currently remove the track from either groups or playlists. Note: Paste in the Base64-encoded media source as the passage's content. Returns the playlist's current time in seconds, or NaN if no metadata exists. Valid collection types are: arrays, generic objects, maps, sets, and strings. If constructing the file URL from a shell path, ensure that either it does not contain escapes or you properly convert them into the correct URL percent-encoded form. blazing fast internet with unlimited dataespecially true for mobile users. Requires tracks to be set up via <>. Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and prepends its contents to its link text when clicked. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. For example, if you wanted to ask the user to enter a name, your code may look like this in Harlowe: In SugarCube, you would likely want to use the <> macro instead, and pass $name in as the receiving variable: Harlowe's newer input macros, like (dropdown:) and (cycling-link:) use "bound" variables, which are similar in concept to SugarCube's receiver variables. Returns the whole (integer) part of the given number by removing its fractional part, if any. Warning: Returns whether all of the given members were found within the array. Note: Note: For example: A better solution, however, would be to use a backquote1 (`) expression, which is really just a special form of quoting available in macro arguments that causes the contents of the backquotes to be evaluated and then yields the result as a singular argument. Thus, if you allow players to return to passages, then you should either: ensure the passages contain no code that has side-effects or wrap that code in something to prevent re-executione.g., <>side-effects< >. Returns whether an audio track with the given track ID exists. In the Add a New Format tab, paste in the file path to format.js and click the green Add button. Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts. Select "Change Story Format" and check the box next to "Sugarcube." Download PDF version: Variables and Programming in Twine Performs any required processing before the save data is saved. Returns whether the operation was successful. Determines whether the link-visited class is added to internal passage links that go to previously visited passagesi.e., the passage already exists within the story history. If you wish to use custom backgrounds, either simply colors or with images, then you should place them on the body element. Even if it did know that, there's no way for it to know which operations may or may not have side-effectse.g., changing variables. Returns the number of currently registered on-load handlers. Warning: Returns the given string with all regular expression metacharacters escaped. Thus, a call to UIBar.stow() may also be necessary. Removes and returns a random member from the base array. Evaluates the given expression and compares it to the value(s) within its <> children. To simply add a delay to the dismissal of the loading screen to hide initial flashes of unstyled content (FOUC)e.g., style changes and page reflowsyou do not need to use this API. To install the package via NPM, use the following command: This is a reference on how to install SugarCube in Tweego, Twine2, and Twine1/Twee. Note: Most interactive elementse.g., passage links, interactive macros, etc.cannot be properly copied via <>.
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